Efficient versus resilient (or "antifragile")

Our predominant mode of thinking over the last century, afflicting cities and suburbs alike, favors highly centralized systems that prize efficiency over resilience.

Our world is connected globally at a scale and speed that was unfathomable until the 20th-century. With that connectivity has come increased centralization at all levels and in virtually all facets of life. The result is a system that is extremely efficient for getting you cheap toilet paper, low-cost calories, and fast cars—until it’s not. It’s also a system that is extremely fragile, optimized for distributing a deadly disease rapidly and completely while maximizing the cost of isolating outbreaks. A Strong Town prizes the resiliency that comes with incremental duplication, over the short-term gains that come from hyper-efficiency.

Effective Quarantines and Strong Towns

My main blog is the Tipsy Teetotaler, http://intellectualoid.com.