How (and How Not) to Read the Bible

I am very, very enthusiastic about How (and How Not) to Read the Bible, a podcast (transcript available) I’d been waiting for, unawares. I’ve long (but not always; I remember my unwarranted elation at cracking, I thought, some theological nuts) had a vague feeling that the kinds of Bible study I knew sought information about God when what we need is God.

I’m elated again. I was pointed in the right direction, but uncertain that it was right, or why it was right. This podcast bodes to be a key epiphany in my life (or maybe an apocalypse).

The podcast and transcript are long, and the podcasters are far too digressive for my tastes. I’m editing their digressions out of the transcript as I read it.

My main blog is the Tipsy Teetotaler,